Anniversary Forum 2000

Forum 2000 conferences are held in Prague and other cities, you could visit the first of them in 1996.

This Forum was founded by President Václav Havel together with Japanese philanthropist Yohei Sasakawa and Nobel Peace Prize winner Eli Wiesel.

Every year, the Forum is attended by many personalities, former and current representatives of the executive, legislative and judicial branches. Church representatives, representatives of the media and foundations and human rights activists also meet here. This year, Forum 2000 was held for the twenty-fifth time, in a hybrid way at Prague’s Žofín.

The anniversary meeting was called ”What Now? Building Back Democratically” and lasted three days. Fifty speakers gathered on site, another fifty joined online. Several speeches were pre-recorded and subsequently presented at the Forum. Together, the speakers discussed democracy in various areas. Does the world cooperate democratically? Are democracy and authoritarianism competing in the digital space? Such topics were also opened at the Forum.

Our technical team, which this time had all the sound, lighting and the entire live broadcast under their control, took care of a quality experience for the spectators present, as well as for those connected remotely.

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